Happy Wednesday Everyone!

I have the majority of the kids M-W, so I try to do most of the activities on those days & since the kids are 2.5-3.5 years old, that's enough "school" for
ALL of us. ;) When I taught preschool in the past I usually did a special treat on Friday to end the week. So since Wednesday is my new Friday lol I will most likely do a special treat on Wednesday! &&although not as YUMMY as our
ladybug cupcakes last week; by the girls request (&since it went we the theme of course!!) we watched
The Little Mermaid & had popcorn for snack! :)
Circle Time: Ocean Life Letter Match
(Letter Introduction & Recognition)
I printed out 6 different sea animals on cardstock and created a Letter matching game using; Fish (F), Lobster (L) Octopus (O), Shrimp (S), Turtle (T), & Whale (W) and cut them out. I printed the same 6 creatures on another paper and kept it whole (game board)
I had kids take turns playing, matching the letters to the game board.
Special Activity: Ocean Letter Match II
(Letter Introduction & Recognition)
Using the same animals, I cut 6 more cards and taped each one to it's own water bottle. I then took 30 small craft sticks and wrote F, L, O, S, T ,W: one letter on each stick (5 stick per letter) Taking turns the kids dropped the stick in the matching bottle :)
Song: Animals of the Sea
(sang to the tune of Farmer & the Dell)
The whales live in the sea.
The whales live in the sea.
Heigh-ho, watch them blow.
The whales live in the sea.
The crabs live in the sea.
The crabs live in the sea. Heigh-ho, they scurry so.
The crabs live in the sea
The octopus live in the sea.
The octopus live in the sea.
Heigh-ho, they live in holes.
The octopus live in the sea.
The sharks live in the sea.
The sharks live in the sea.
Heigh-ho, watch them go.
The sharks live in the sea.
The oysters live in the sea.
The oysters live in the sea.
Heigh-ho, they burrow below.
The oysters live in the sea.
They really enjoyed this one today! We did it about 5 times while they waited for lunch to be served!!
We have been doing our art projects before lunch, but today we ate early. The kids just seemed HUNGRY! Sometimes its better to stop and switch it up rather than be married to a schedule and loose them to madness! Which I know can happen very quickly when you have 4 hungry tots. Im happy we waited because it was worth it!!
Art Project: Ocean in a Bottle ("Under the Sea")
First we added shells of all sorts shapes and sizes to our water bottles |
Next, I let each child fill up the bottle at the sink |
We added blue food coloring to make our OCEAN BLUE! |
They were AMAZED & wanted their turn to FLIP it OVER! |
They were cool like this, but we weren't done yet!! |
They added foam stickers of all types of sea creatures
Dolphin, Sharks, Sheahorses, & Starfish to name a few!! |
Under The Sea Bottles COMPLETE! |
I think because we watched the movie today...the girls kept singing, UNDER THE SEA, UNDER THE SEA! as they decorated their bottles!! :)
See you Next Week!!