Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Astronaut, Astronaut, Alien

Today was a really FUN day! The kids really had a blast dressing up like Space Rangers & Astronauts. We played some fun games and made cute puppets.

Circle Time: Space Video
Another cool video find thanks to youtube, courtesy of NASA. I showed the kids bits and parts of this movie. They LOVED watching the rocket ship take off. They couldn't understand where the "rocket ship" went once it was out in space. I had to explain that weird looking contraption is still the rocket ship, it just needed to loose its parts so it could land on the moon. They were amazed!
I was able to get a sound clip of them watching this video, Im still not sure how to get it up here on the blog but I know I can figure it out!

Song/Rhyme: 5 Brave Astronauts
5 Brave astronauts took off to Outer Space.  
The first floated away without a trace.
The second somersaulted past the moon.
The third one sang a funny space tune.
The fourth started counting 3. 2. 1.
And the fifth said "oh what fun!"

Special Activities: 

Astronaut, Astronaut, Alien
This game was a BLAST! I really wish I would have set up the video camera, the kids were hilarious. The game is played just like Duck Duck Goose, except, yep! you got it. You say. Astronaut, Astronaut, Alien. It took us a few turns to get the hang of it. But once we were going they kids did NOT want to stop! lol

Moon Rock Toss
I took scrap white and yellow paper and had the kids scrunch and ball them up. This was an activity in it's self, and it's a very good exercise for their fine motor skills. Once we had LOTS and LOTS of "Moon Rocks" I took tape and basket and created a game with 2 teams. & thanks to some previous additions to the dramatic play center we could dress up! It was Astornaut & Buzz Vs The Space Rangers. Ha! What fun they had!!

Art: Astronaut Puppet
I glued a drawing of an astronaut to card stock paper. I then had the kids color them. While they napped I cut them out and added them to popsicle sticks. They were so excited to have puppets when they woke up! 

Dry Erase Rocket Ships
Constantly I am reminded of what a blessing it is that my Mom is such a wonderful resources in my field. This week was no exception. Thanks to the cool files she brought me a few years ago packed with old lesson themes form PreK, I had a file guessed it SPACE!! :) I used these cool already laminated sheets in the file to create rocket ship dry erase sheets. I taped them to the table and the kids used their crayola dry erase crayons (which btw I  LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! and will buy in bulk next chance I get. lol)  They loved it and the best part is tonight I can erase them and they can do it all over again tmrw!! 

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